Thanks to the internet, anyone can find information on just about anything. For instance, it’s great for finding your favorite recipe or learning new languages. But it can be a problem when you look for good SEO advice and Google rank. With so many myths and misconceptions floating around, it’s hard to know what’s true and what isn’t. Yes, we get it, and we must stay on top of it each day!

Still, many people believe a lot of myths about SEO. And let’s face it, Google makes it easy because they don’t tell anyone about their algorithms. So, the information we get must come from companies such as Moz, HubSpot, or others that reverse-engineer what’s happening. To help you out, we’re going to explore 10 SEO myths you can stop believing! Knowing the strategies for how to get your company noticed online is vital. But you also need to know the myths from so-called experts.

Many people claim they’re SEO experts and can help with your Google rank. Be wary. They’ll tell you whatever they think you want to hear and charge you well for it. In fact, some may even say that SEO doesn’t matter if you have a solid content strategy and good keywords. That’s simply not true. Good SEO takes a lot of work. That’s the truth, but it’s worth the effort, so you don’t make business growth strategies mistakes.

That’s why we put together 10 of the most common SEO myths for you to stop believing. They’re just not true!

1. Link building is the only factor in SEO.

Link building is not the only factor in SEO. But link building is just one of the many factors that can help you rank higher. Other factors also help with rankings, such as content, user experience, and authority. However, if your site doesn’t have any backlinks, you’ll find it hard to rank for anything.

2. Keywords don’t matter anymore.

Many people think keywords don’t matter anymore. Google search engine algorithms indeed continue to change. As a result, there’s no longer a magic list of keywords to use to rank on the first page. However, it’s still important to include strong keywords throughout your website and blog posts. Of course, Google considers your page’s content, backlinks, and social signals when ranking pages.

3. You can’t rank if you’re new.

If you’re starting in your industry, it’s tough to achieve a good Google rank (i.e., the first page). The reality is that there are players who’ve been in the game for years. But the good news is that new sites can still rank well with enough effort. Still, ranking well doesn’t come cheap or easy. You need to find what keywords your audience is searching for and work to build up your domain authority. But it takes a lot of work and effort. So, don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

4. More backlinks = better rankings.

Many misconceptions around SEO practices exist. And one of the most common is that more backlinks always equate to better rankings. It’s simply not true. Google looks at other factors as well, such as site speed and relevance. These elements (and others) impact your rankings. (Isn’t the tyranny of tech fun?). So, let’s say you want to increase your rankings organically over time. It’s best to build quality backlinks rather than rely on cheap tactics like buying backlinks or creating spammy content just for the sake of making links. Quality over quantity!

5. Everything needs to get optimized for search engine crawlers.

The truth is that you don’t need to optimize all your pages for search engine crawlers on your sire. The best approach is to balance what you need to achieve for your site and the Google rank SEO work you do. If you don’t know how to do it, it’s best to speak with an SEO professional about it. Ultimately, it would help if you balanced your site goals against SEO. For example, you could do some of it by using a blog and SEO for specific pages of your site.

6. Nofollow links are important.

One of the most common SEO myths is that link building is pointless. The truth is that links remain a valuable factor in your ranking on search engine result pages. It’s essential to have both dofollow and nofollow links for your site. Dofollow links come from other sites, where people link back to your site. Nofollow links get included with paid ads or guest blogging on other sites, which don’t affect your ranking with search engines. Links are important because they provide relevancy for search engines. They show what people are engaging with on the internet and help establish an authoritative online presence for your business. Links also play an important role in traffic generation and conversions by ranking your content higher on SERPS (search engine result pages).

7. Keyword stuffing is a good idea.

Keyword stuffing is a technique where webmasters place keywords into various parts of their site, such as page titles and URLs, to improve their site’s rankings. Though keyword stuffing was a popular SEO technique in the early days of search engines, it no longer works. In fact, studies show that keyword stuffing lowers your site’s rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

8. Google won’t know if you make a mistake.

The myth: Google can’t tell if you make a mistake with your SEO. Reality: Ummm..yes they will! Don’t believe this one. You can do as much as you want, and Google won’t catch you for it…or will they? This myth has been around since the early days of SEO, and it’s not true. Google knows everything. So, if you want your business to grow (and you should), you might not like it, but you must do whatever Google wants you to do. Yea, they own all of us—or at least our Google rank. Welcome to living in the digital era and the tyranny of tech.

9. I don’t need an SEO strategy.

Seriously? Do we even have to add this one to the myth list? Unfortunately, yes. Some nonconformists think they could do it their way. While we commend you for your efforts, you must have an SEO strategy to achieve success in the digital age and with your Google rank. If your business doesn’t have the time or expertise to manage its SEO strategy, you should outsource it. But do us a favor and look for a team that really knows how to do it, and not just the cheapest proposal. Cheap could cost you a lot more money when it comes to SEO!

10. Content strategies are just for writers.

Content strategies are great for writers, but not just for them. All companies should use content strategies. Content strategies can attract potential customers and increase your Google rank. Plus, it allows you to publish web pages with relevant, fresh content that keeps visitors coming back for more. However, because Google is the boss, the content must be well-written and relevant to your site. So, no writing about your favorite books if you sell sports equipment.

Want to know how to kick-butt on social media? Check out How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan.


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